Our Beer

5.0% ABV
This is a light, bright and very satisfying beer.
Lightly golden with a bubbly, medium white head that steadily shrinks to a thin foamy lace, the aroma is soft and sweet with grain and very flowery hops.
The taste is full bodied grain with lots of green apple and light but persistent hints of pine and herbs, with a light bitterness that persists through to the finish.
Eminently satisfying.

5.8% ABV
If you like a more malty beer with a lovely pillowy head, a deep gold colour and packed with malt, Edel is the one for you!
A pale straw color with golden hints and a velvety white frothy head which reduces gently to some light lacing. To the nose, Edel is mostly hops mixed with a biscuit sweetness and a freshly baked bread aroma with a hint of some sweet apples and pears.
On the tongue, you’ll notice the slightly toasted malts and light floral hops which start with light biscuit malts, before a sweetness, to form a buttery bitter finish.
Easily drinkable. Crisp and refreshing.

5.0% ABV
Gloriously dark, rich and fruity aromatic beer. This wonderful top fermented beer is coupled with notes of caramel and dark chocolate. Munich is famous for its iconic ‘Dunkels’ and we think ours is right up there and represents ABK’s roots and regionality.

6.0% ABV
Our special Festival beer is brewed specially for Christmas season. The brewers’ “thank you” to the faithful ABK beer drinker.
This traditional special beer, a substantial amber-coloured, malt-stressed, bottom-fermented. Full bodied and full flavoured. Brewed according to the Bavarian Purity Law of 1516.

5.3% ABV
A top fermented fruity, aromatic and lively, full-bodied beer. With a wonderful honey yellow colour and a strong foam generation.
Our wheat beer has a natural yeast cloudiness with a yeast sediment. Easy drinking with soft floral flavours.
Bavaria is famed for its Wheat Beers and ours is particularly easy drinking and highly regarded.

2.8% ABV
The ultimate summer time refreshment, Rose is a concoction of light ABK Beer and Organic Lemonade (brewed on-site) with a 100% natural rose colour.

4.9% ABV
A dark, soothing, full-bodied beer. Warm hints of dark chocolate and liquorice, with a balanced and bitter finish.

5.1% ABV
A well balanced and full-bodied beer with a smooth aromatic hop taste. Intensive straw yellow colour with clear and glossy appearance. Tettnanger hops for the fine aroma, complimented by Hallertau Select and Hallertau Herkules hops for a perfectly balanced, light, fresh and easy drinking beer.

ABK 0%
Coming soon